
3.0 (March 20th, 2020)

Whats New:
• iPadでもご利用できるようになりました
• より直感的な編集のための新しい3Dインターフェイス
• 新しいアンプモデルとエフェクト
• バグの修正と一般的な安定性の向上

2.0 (September 5th, 2018)


This release includes:

  • 新しいプリセット
  • 新しいアンプモデル
  • 新しいエフェクト
  • プリセットのバックアップとリストアをクラウドへ
  • Bluetooth streaming automatically reconnects to your amp Bluetoothのストリーミングが自動でアンプへ再接続できるようになりました


1.3 (March 6th, 2018)


  • Rumble StudioまたはRumble Stageアンプをトーンアプリに接続することができるようになりました!
  • プリセットオーディションが利用可能になりました! ライブラリに追加することなく、コミュニティのプリセットをその場ですばやくテストできます。


  • Bluetooth接続速度と信頼性の向上
  • 再設計され、さらにシンプルになった簡単なオンボード・エクスペリエンス
  • バグの修正と一般的な安定性の向上


1.2 (October 9th, 2017)


Fender Harmonic Tremolo
Straight from the great Fender “Brownface” amps of the early 1960s, this tremolo effect alternately emphasizes high and low frequencies for a distinctively swishing and almost phaser-like sound.

EQ 5 Graphic
Inspired by the EQ from the Mesa Boogie Mark IIC+ amp, this five-band EQ is specifically voiced for guitar.

EQ 7 Graphic
Inspired by the Boss GE-7 pedal, this seven-band pedal EQ is voiced specifically for guitar, with fine sonic tailoring.

EQ Parametric
Three-band equalizer with parametric mid control, ideal for dialing in an exact mid-boost frequency for solos or for creating deliberate feedback.

Vibe Unit
Inspired by the classic pulse of a Uni-Vibe pedal.

A distinctive octaver effect with prominent one-octave-down plus subtle one-octave-up capabilities for otherworldly “synthesized” tones

Envelope Filter
Automatic wah effect inspired by the temple-of-funk 1970s popularity of the mighty Mu-Tron III pedal.

Round Fuzz
Inspired by the 1969 silicon-transistor version of the venerable Fuzz Face distortion unit.

A Fender-created fuzz effect similar to Round Fuzz, with the addition of variable tight-to-loose bass tonality.


  • トーンコミュニティプリセットの検索、フィルタリング、ダウンロードを合理化。
  • セットリスト内のプリセットを並べ替えることができるようになりました。
  • キルFXトグルの経験が改善されました。
  • バグの修正と一般的な安定性の向上。


1.1 (September 13rd, 2017)

Please update your amp to version 1.4 or higher for best results. Learn how at fender.com/GT


  • Re-order presets within your list
  • Name and rename your Setlists
  • Toggle "Kill FX" from a preset detail to temporarily mute all effects and hear just the amp model


  • Improved experience for creating presets and Setlists, navigating the app and adding effects
  • Fewer "Amplifier sync in process" messages
  • Fewer prompts to update your amp when it's already up to date
  • Fewer Global EQ issues


1.0.6 (August 3rd, 2017)

This update offers improvements and fixes to Setlists. Be sure your amp's firmware is updated to at least version 1.3.5 for best results (Menu > About This Amp).

• Setlists can now be deleted
• Presets can now be removed from a Setlist
• Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash when scrolling through presets in a Setlist
• Coming soon: Stay tuned for future updates with Setlist naming, renaming, and reordering


1.0.5 (June 30th, 2017)

NOTE: This app release requires a Mustang GT firmware update to v1.2.25. Please be sure to update your amp! Click here, for complete instructions on how to update the firmware of your Mustang GT amplifier. If you're still having issues with presets after updating your amp, we recommend deleting the app and reinstalling it.

This is a quick update with a few small fixes.

  • We're now requesting permission to send you push notifications, so we can alert you to amplifier firmware updates in the future!
  • Removed the "My Presets" filter to improve reliability
  • Updated network type options in the manual WiFi entry form
  • Renamed presets update more quickly


1.0.4 (June 27th, 2017)

NOTE: This app release requires a Mustang GT firmware update. Please be sure to update your amp! Click here, for complete instructions on how to update the firmware of your Mustang GT amplifier. If you're still having issues with presets after updating your amp, we recommend deleting the app and reinstalling it.

This update has more fixes to improve your Mustang GT amp experience.

  • The app will now automatically reconnect with your amp. Handy if your device goes to sleep!
  • Adding Bluetooth status messaging so you'll know if you are disconnected 
  • More fixes to align app preset selection with amp
  • Better support for empty/deleted presets in both the app and the amp
  • You can now enter your WiFi credentials manually if the amp is unable to find your network


1.0.3 (May 25th, 2017)

We are constantly fixing bugs and issues to improve your Tone experience. Thanks for your feedback and keep it coming!

This release includes:

  • Resolved sync issues when selecting/switching presets from All Presets list
  • Fixed a bug related to deleting a Pre FX before saving
  • Improved WiFi connection experience with status messaging ("searching") and an improved "connect" process 
  • Now, after adding FX or changing an amp go directly to Preset/Amp Detail screen 
  • Now you can swipe right in the chain to return to the Preset Detail screen
  • Resolved issues with scrolling through/adding public presets from the Browse section
  • Now, you can add a Post FX on your amp and it will update in the app
  • Improved messaging to let you know presets can only be created when connected to an amp
  • When auditioning an FX it will only be saved to a preset when you tap "Save”


1.0.2 (May 11th, 2017)

We're continuing to fix bugs:

  • Deleting a preset should no longer get the preset list on the app out of sync with the amp's list
  • Pitch shifter cents now update
  • Resolved some crashes