
3.0 (March 20th, 2020)

Whats New:
 • タブレット端末でもご利用できるようになりました
 • より直感的な編集のための新しい3Dインターフェイス
 • 新しいアンプモデルとエフェクト
 • バグの修正と一般的な安定性の向上

2.0 (September 5th, 2018)


This release includes:

  • 新しいプリセット
  • 新しいアンプモデル
  • 新しいエフェクト
  • プリセットのバックアップとリストアをクラウドへ
  • Bluetooth streaming automatically reconnects to your amp Bluetoothのストリーミングが自動でアンプへ再接続できるようになりました




1.7.3 (June 12th, 2018)



  • このバージョンでは、Mustang GTとRumble Stage / Studio Ampsへのブルートゥース接続が改善されています


1.7 (March 6th, 2018)

Be sure to also update your amp to the latest firmware. Learn how at fender.com/GT.                                                              

  • You can now connect your Rumble Studio or Stage amplifiers to the Tone App!


  • Improved Bluetooth connection speeds and reliability
  • Redesigned and simplified on-boarding experience
  • Bug fixes and general stability improvements


1.6 (October 9th, 2017)

NEW effects modules for creating inspiring tones included with firmware 1.5!

Fender Harmonic Tremolo
EQ 5 Graphic
EQ 7 Graphic
EQ Parametric
Vibe Unit
Envelope Filter
Round Fuzz

• Improved Bluetooth connectivity, especially devices running Android v.6.0.1.
• You can now reorder presets within the preset list. 
• Improvements to Kill FX toggling experience.


1.5 (September 13th, 2017)

Please update your amp to version 1.4 or higher for best results. Learn how at fender.com/GT


  • Name and rename your Setlists
  • Toggle "Kill FX" from a preset detail to temporarily mute all effects and hear just the amp model


  • Improved Bluetooth connectivity for devices running Android version 6.0.1
  • Fewer "Amplifier sync in process” messages
  • Fewer prompts to update your amp when it's already up to date


1.4 (August 29th, 2017)

Fender Tone is now fully enabled with top-requested features, including access to Fender Tone's thriving community of 10,000+ presets available for download.


Search, browse and download presets from the Tone community. Discover presets by well-known artists, players, and Fender sound engineers created exclusively for Fender Tone. Create your own custom tone and share your presets with others.


Create Setlists for easy cycling through commonly used presets while practicing or performing.
Easily search your preset list to jump to the one you want to play.
Bypass effects from the effect detail view to mute them from your signal chain.


Please update your amplifier for best results.


1.3.2 (August 3rd, 2017)

Be sure your amp's firmware is updated to at least version 1.3.5 for best results (Menu > About This Amp).

  • This version provides crash fixes and improved crash reporting.


1.3 (July 24th, 2017)

  • Multivariate settings are in! Now you can tweak settings like cabinet, noise gate, bright channel blend, tube bias and more. Tap the arrow icon at the bottom of the amp detail view, or certain effects, to give it a try.
  • Select "Tuner" in the Settings menu to switch your amp to the tuner. Check the amp screen to know whether you're in tune or not.
  • Select "EQ Settings" in Settings to select your amp's equalizer settings
  • Update to password requirements on sign up
  • Fixes for crashes and various bugs


1.2 (June 27th, 2017)

NOTE: This app release requires a Mustang GT firmware update. Please be sure to update your amp! Click here, for complete instructions on how to update the firmware of your Mustang GT amplifier.

  • Reorder the signal chain within any preset!
  • You can rename, delete and duplicate your presets
  • Adding Bluetooth status messaging so you'll know if you are disconnected
  • Better support for empty/deleted presets in both the app and the amp
  • You can now enter your WiFi credentials manually, & we'll give you better feedback about the WiFi connection process


1.1 (May 26th, 2017)

Thank you for all of your feedback. We are working hard to make improvements to Tone so you can make full use of the Mustang GT amp features.

This release includes: 

You can now add a new Pre FX, Post FX or change the amp on any preset. Start building a customized preset signal chain, and see it update in real time on your amp.

Create an all new preset from scratch, directly on your phone. Set the name, select an amp, and the preset will be saved to a new slot so you can start adding pre- and post-FX.

We will be continually making the Tone interface easier to use.

This update includes plenty of fixes for issues and crashes you're experiencing. We take your comments very seriously. Keep the feedback coming, we will continue to improve Fender Tone!


1.0.31 (May 11th, 2017)

  • Fixed crash when changing amp models in a preset on the amp
  • Fixed crash when adding/removing FX to a preset on the amp 
  • Fixed crash when viewing Terms of Use in Settings 
  • Fixed "Help" link button 
  • Fixed crash when navigating from WiFi to Bluetooth 
  • Display "Connected" amp in Bluetooth menu 
  • Display "Connected" network in WiFi menu 
  • Added "Tone Tips" to "Settings" menu for easier access 
  • Updated "Settings" menu UI