  • Anytime you are not able to see your amp as a Bluetooth available device, make sure no one else is connected to it. If someone is already connected to your amp, it becomes unavailable to anyone else (BT discovery turned off).
  • To prevent someone else from connecting to your amp, we recommend to turn off Bluetooth on your amp (Menu → Bluetooth → BLUETOOTH OFF) when not being used.

If you want to use the Tone App with your amplifier and need to have Bluetooth on your amp turned on, make sure that you are also connected to the amp for Bluetooth audio streaming. This will ensure that nobody else connects to your amp for streaming while you are controlling it with Tone and vice versa.

Note: Android devices running 6.0 and higher require location permissions to be enabled when using Bluetooth. On most Android devices, this can be done here: Settings > Apps > Permissions

For more help, see: I'm having trouble connecting the Tone app to my Mustang GT amp over Bluetooth