Views: 3269

When you first download the Tone app and launch it, you'll be walked through a set up process to get started using your new Fender® amp. 

Supported Amplifiers

iOS & Android (via Bluetooth):

  • Mustang GTX 100
  • Mustang GTX 50
  • Mustang GT 200
  • Mustang GT 100
  • Mustang GT 40
  • Rumble Stage 800
  • Rumble Studio 40

Tone Desktop does not support GTX, GT, or Rumble Stage/Studio amplifiers. 

We recommend having your amp plugged in and nearby to make set up go as smoothly as possible.

Note: you may see slight variations in your amplifier's menu interface depending on your firmware version and amplifier model.

1. Create an account, or sign in using Fender Connect. Having an account allows you to save your presets to the cloud as well as share your presets and download new ones.

  • You can choose to do this later from Settings > My Account, but will be required for community features and syncing with the cloud.

2. Next, we'll walk you through connecting the app to your amplifier wirelessly over Bluetooth®. This is an essential step for being able to control your amp with the app.

Note: Android devices running 6.0 and higher require location permissions to be enabled when using Bluetooth.  If you are not seeing your amp in the app, please make sure your location permissions are enabled. 

3. Once that's done, you can select your wifi network and enter the password, so the amp will be able to connect itself to the internet for updates and downloads. Entering your wifi password in the app is a bit easier than doing so on the amp.

  • You can also set this up on the amp itself under Menu > Wifi
  • You can choose to do this later in the app from Settings > Wifi

4. Register your new amp, so we can provide support for your model, and mark the amp as yours.

  • You can choose to do this later from Settings > My Amps, especially if you add more products later.

Once you're done with this set up process, you can get started creating your own presets, download presets, sample top presets, or just jump right in and start using the app to navigate and edit presets.