Fender® Guitar Owner's Manuals
The manuals listed in this article are either current manuals created from a digital copy OR scans of the original hard copy manuals taken from our archives that have been converted into PDF documents. Unfortunately, original hard copy manuals from this archive are no longer available.
Please note that separate manuals are not available for every instrument model. We currently produce only one encompassing manual for the entire family of Fender® electric guitars and basses, and a warranty booklet only for the acoustic instrument line.
Note: If you have a copy of an old Fender instrument owner's manual not shown in this archive, we'd love to have a copy to post here. A PDF would be great, or even a scanned JPEG, GIF or TIFF that we can convert.
You may e-mail it directly to consumerrelations@fender.com. If you are unable to create one of these document formats and would be willing to send in your hard copy to the address above, we'd be happy to scan it and return it to you promptly.
- 1992 Fender Guitars and Basses
- 1998 Fender Guitars and Basses
- 2003 Fender Guitars and Basses
- 2011 Owner's Manual for Fender Guitars
- 2013 Fender Electric Guitars Owner's Manual
- American Standard Series Guitars (1987)
- Standard Series Guitars (1983)
- 25th Anniversary Stratocaster (1979)
- 1954 Limited Edition Stratocaster (Catalog Copy, 1994)
- 2014 American Deluxe Strat Plus Tutorial
- Eric Clapton Stratocaster (1988)
- Hellecasters Jerry Donohue Stratocaster (1997)
- Hellecasters John Jorgenson Stratocaster (1997)
- Reissue '68 Stratocaster (Japan 1986)
- Reissue '72 Stratocaster (Japan 1986)
- Reissue Blue Flower Stratocaster (Japan 1986)
- Reissue Paisley Stratocaster (Japan 1986)
- STRAT (1980)
- Strat Plus (1987)
- Strat Plus Setup Procedures (1987)
- Stratocaster (1970s)
- Stratocaster (1971)
- Stratocaster (1980)
- VG Stratocaster (2007)
- Yngwie Malmsteen Stratocaster (1988)
- Reissue '62 Custom Telecaster (Japan 1986)
- Reissue Blue Flower Telecaster (Japan 1986)
- Reissue Paisley Telecaster (Japan 1986)
- Telecaster (1975)
- Telecaster Custom (1981)
- Telecaster Deluxe (1973)
- Telecaster Guitar (1981)
- Telecaster Thinline (1971)
- Telecaster-Esquire (1966)
- U.S. Vintage '52 Telecaster (1986)
- Vintage Telecaster (1981)
- 1959 Jazzmaster Instruction Manual
- Jazzmaster (1974)
- Jazzmaster Owner's Manual (Early)
- Reissue '62 Jazzmaster (Japan 1986)
- Bass VI (1962)
- Bronco (1966)
- Bronco (1973)
- Bullet Guitar (1981)
- Bullet H1, H2, S2, S3 (1983)
- Bullet Deluxe Guitar (1982)
- Contemporary and Standard Series Guitars (Japan 1985)
- Coronado II
- Coronado XII (1966)
- D'Aquisto (Japan 1984)
- Duo Sonic (Pre 1964)
- Duo Sonic (1964)
- Elite Series Guitars (1983)
- Esprit (Japan 1984)
- Flame (Japan 1984)
- Heartfield Guitars and Basses (Japan 1989)
- Hellecasters Will Ray Jazz-A-Caster (1997)
- HM and Standard Series Guitars (Japan 1988)
- Lead I (1979)
- Lead II (1979)
- Lead III (1982)
- Musicmaster (1964)
- Musicmaster (1974)
- Mustang (1960s)
- Mustang (1973)
- Mustang (1978)
- Reissue '54 Esquire (Japan 1986)
- Reissue '62 Esquire (Japan 1986)
- Starcaster (1975)